News and Reviews
Gary Daigneault, owner/manager of KCDZ 107.7 FM in Joshua Tree, California, (right) presents David Haldane with a Golden Mike trophy awarded by the Radio and TV News Association of Southern California for this story aired on the station in 2018 when David worked there as a reporter and weekend news anchor.
Attending 2017 Next Generation Indie Book Awards ceremony
at the Harvard Club of New York
My wife, Ivy, and I with Filipino actress G. Tongi after taping her talk show “Kababayan Today” featuring a discussion of, and readings from, Nazis & Nudists.
"Kababayan Today" Segment 1 of 4
Kababayan Today" Segment 2 of 4
"Kababayan Today" Segment 3 of 4
"Kababayan Today" Segment 4 of 4
News Feature on KCDZ FM 107.7
Praise for Nazis and Nudists
“I love it! On the Road for Boomers! In pursuit of the best impulses of his generation, Haldane followed his heart through the outermost extremes of our culture and times, lost his heart (and soul), and found them again. It’s unflinching, wildly improbable pretty scary in spots. But what comes through strongest is his honesty. He ventured far outside the normal limits even of a society that didn’t have many and found his way back. We should all be so lucky.”
David Haldane’s thoughtful and provocative memoir pulls readers into the heart of the revolution of the late Sixties and early Seventies so raw that, at times, it seems like it never could have happened in America. David witnesses the rise of an idealism and its fall into bankrupt prurience. As a Los Angeles Times reporter, he describes many of the famous and infamous characters who served as guideposts, for better or worse, on his journey to discovering what’s truly meaningful in life. This one’s not to be missed.
“Nazis & Nudists,” named runner-up in nonfiction category of 2016 Maxy Awards honoring the year’s best indie writing. Here’s what the judge said: “Haldane showcases his writing skills in retelling poor decisions and questionable judgment, which only enhances a great read!”
Very astute judge.
Order the book now in paperback or digital formats at Black Rose Writing, Amazon or Barnes & Noble.